Watch online full hd Quanzhi Fashi Season 2 stream , 无上神帝 multi subtitles on for free and enjoy the story of this chinese anime donghua.
Characters and Plot
After defeating Yu Ang for a fee revealing his lightning element, Mo Fan had been granted seven days to train in the Underground Sacred Spring, where it was said that one could greatly increase their power level. However, Mo Fan’s training was suddenly cut short when ferocious monsters mysteriously appeared around Bo City, something that should have been impossible given the city’s border defenses. A state of emergency was declared, and Mo Fan was tasked with delivering the Underground Holy Spring – now condensed into a small bottle – to a special refuge zone protected from the chaos in the city. The road there was long, dangerous, and filled with bloodthirsty beasts. To make matters worse, the dangerous Black Order threatened to stop him in his tracks. How will Mo Fan stop the sacred spring from falling into the wrong hands?
Setelah mengalahkan Yu Ang dengan bayaran mengungkapkan elemen petirnya, Mo Fan telah diberikan tujuh hari untuk berlatih di Musim Semi Suci Bawah Tanah, di mana dikatakan bahwa seseorang dapat sangat meningkatkan tingkat kekuatan mereka. Namun, pelatihan Mo Fan tiba-tiba terpotong ketika monster-monster ganas muncul secara misterius di sekitar Bo City, sesuatu yang seharusnya mustahil mengingat pertahanan perbatasan kota. Sebuah keadaan darurat diumumkan, dan Mo Fan ditugaskan untuk memberikan Musim Semi Suci Bawah Tanah — yang sekarang terkondensasi ke dalam botol kecil — ke zona perlindungan khusus yang dilindungi dari kekacauan di kota. Jalan di sana panjang, berbahaya, dan penuh dengan binatang haus darah. Yang memperburuk masalah, Orde Hitam yang berbahaya mengancam untuk menghentikan langkahnya. Bagaimana Mo Fan akan menghentikan pegas suci jatuh ke tangan yang salah?
Quanzhi Fashi Season 2 Release Date
Quanzhi Fashi Season 2 will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Quanzhi Fashi Season 2.
Where to watch Quanzhi Fashi Season 2 ?
Episodes of Quanzhi Fashi Season 2 are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Quanzhi Fashi Season 2 available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.