Watch online full hd Law of the Devil stream , 恶魔法则 multi subtitles on for free and enjoy the story of this chinese anime donghua.
Characters and Plot
Law of the Devil – On the continent of Roland, a group of heroes is rising; wizards, facing the gods. On the continent of magic, the Roland Empire’s prophesied thousand-year prosperity is about to collapse, and the Chosen One will save it like Aragorn, the founding emperor who created the Roland Empire a thousand years ago. Du Wei, the eldest son of the General of the Earldom Empire, has a weak physique and was sent back to the Luolin plains by his family. He fell on a deserted island by accident and made a deal with a demon servant, gaining infinite power, and thus began the legendary journey to become a king.
Law of the Devil – Di benua Roland, sekelompok pahlawan sedang bangkit; para penyihir, menghadapi para dewa. Di benua sihir, kemakmuran Kekaisaran Roland yang dinubuatkan selama seribu tahun akan segera runtuh, dan Orang Terpilih akan menyelamatkannya seperti Aragorn, yaitu kaisar pendiri yang menciptakan Kekaisaran Roland seribu tahun yang lalu. Du Wei, putra tertua Jenderal Kekaisaran Earldom, memiliki fisik yang lemah dan dikirim kembali ke dataran Luolin oleh keluarganya. Dia jatuh di pulau terpencil secara tidak sengaja dan membuat kesepakatan dengan seorang pelayan iblis, mendapatkan kekuatan yang tak terbatas, dan dengan demikian memulai perjalanan legendaris untuk menjadi seorang raja.
Law of the Devil Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, German, Bangla
Law of the Devil Release Date
Law of the Devil will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Law of the Devil.
Where to watch Law of the Devil ?
Episodes of Law of the Devil are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Law of the Devil available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.